| FuzzyCMeansEntity: A numeric vector object that tagged with the fuzzy cmeans cluster membership values | | BTreeCluster: Clustering data via binary tree | | EntityClusterModel: 存储在Csv文件里面的数据模型,近似等价于csv DataSet对象, 只不过多带了一个用来描述cluster的EntityClusterModel.Cluster 属性标签 |
gmm | Construct a Gaussian Mixture Model with specific n components |
gmm.predict | Get cluster assign result |
gmm.components | |
gmm.predict_proba | |
cmeans | the cmeans algorithm moduleFuzzy clustering (also referred to as soft clustering) is a form of clustering in which each data point can belong to more than one cluster. Clustering Or cluster analysis involves assigning data points to clusters (also called buckets, bins, Or classes), Or homogeneous classes, such that items in the same class Or cluster are as similar as possible, while items belonging to different classes are as dissimilar as possible. Clusters are identified via similarity measures. These similarity measures include distance, connectivity, And intensity. Different similarity measures may be chosen based on the data Or the application. > |
getTraceback | get the clustering traceback |
canopy | auto detects k centers for k-means and generates the initial center seeds. |
affinity_propagation | |
kmeans | K-Means Clustering |
lloyds | |
silhouette_score | Silhouette Coefficient |
calinski_harabasz | |
hclust | Hierarchical Clustering Hierarchical cluster analysis on a set of dissimilarities and methods for analyzing it. |
btree | do clustering via binary tree |
density | evaluate density of the raw data |
clusters | get or set the cluster class labels |
cluster.groups | get cluster result data |
dbscan_objects | find objects from a given set of 2d points |
hdbscan | |
knn | k-Nearest Neighbour Classification k-nearest neighbour classification for test set from training set. For each row of the test set, the k nearest (in Euclidean distance) training set vectors are found, and the classification is decided by majority vote, with ties broken at random. If there are ties for the kth nearest vector, all candidates are included in the vote. |
knnsearch | K-NN Classifier in R ProgrammingK-Nearest Neighbor or K-NN is a Supervised Non-linear classification algorithm. K-NN is a Non-parametric algorithm i.e it doesn’t make any assumption about underlying data or its distribution. It is one of the simplest and widely used algorithm which depends on it’s k value (Neighbors) and finds it’s applications in many industries like finance industry, healthcare industry etc. |
dbscan | DBSCAN density reachability and connectivity clusteringGenerates a density based clustering of arbitrary shape as introduced in Ester et al. (1996). Clusters require a minimum no of points (MinPts) within a maximum distance (eps) around one of its members (the seed). Any point within eps around any point which satisfies the seed condition is a cluster member (recursively). Some points may not belong to any clusters (noise). |