{env} R# Documentation



#' The r-sharp script runtime environment functions
imports "env" from "REnv";

The r-sharp script runtime environment functions

.NET clr function exports

break and force quit of current R# session without confirm


Is an Object Defined?

Look for an R object of the given name and possibly return it


Assign a Value to a Name

Assign a value to a name in an environment.


Return the Value of a Named Object

Search by name for an object (get) or zero or more objects (mget).


Report the Space Allocated for an Object

Provides an estimate of the memory that is being used to store an R# object. Exactly which parts of the memory allocation should be attributed to which object is not clear-cut. This function merely provides a rough indication: it should be reasonably accurate for atomic vectors, but does not detect if elements of a list are shared, for example. (Sharing amongst elements of a character vector is taken into account, but not that between character vectors in a single object.)

The calculation Is Of the size Of the Object, And excludes the space needed To store its name In the symbol table.

Associated space(e.g., the environment of a function And what the pointer in a EXTPTRSXP points to) Is Not included in the calculation.

Object sizes are larger On 64-bit builds than 32-bit ones, but will very likely be the same On different platforms With the same word length And pointer size.


Execute a Function Call

do.call constructs and executes a function call from a name or a function and a list of arguments to be passed to it.


Get and Print Call Stacks

By default traceback() prints the call stack of the last uncaught error, i.e., the sequence of calls that lead to the error. This is useful when an error occurs with an unidentifiable error message. It can also be used to print the current stack or arbitrary lists of deparsed calls.


Binding and Environment Locking, Active Bindings


get a .NET type model from a given VB.NET type full name


get exported type by name


Remove Objects from a Specified Environment

remove and rm can be used to remove objects. These can be specified successively as character strings, or in the character vector list, or through a combination of both. All objects thus specified will be removed.

+ If envir Is NULL Then the currently active environment Is searched first. + If inherits Is TRUE Then parents Of the supplied directory are searched until a variable With the given name Is encountered. A warning Is printed For Each variable that Is Not found.

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