tolower {stringr} R Documentation

Character Translation and Casefolding


Translate characters in character vectors, in particular
from upper to lower case or vice versa.





a character vector, or an object that can be coerced to character by as.character.


chartr translates each character in x that is specified in old to the corresponding character specified in new. Ranges are supported in the specifications, but character classes and repeated characters are not. If old contains more characters than new, an error is signaled; if it contains fewer characters, the extra characters at the end of new are ignored. tolower And toupper convert upper-case characters in a character vector to lower-case, Or vice versa. Non-alphabetic characters are left unchanged.


SMRUCC genomics Institute


A character vector of the same length and with the same attributes as x (after possible coercion). Elements of the result will be have the encoding declared as that of the current locale (see Encoding) if the corresponding input had a declared encoding And the current locale Is either Latin-1 Or UTF-8. The result will be in the current locale's encoding unless the corresponding input was in UTF-8, when it will be in UTF-8 when the system has Unicode wide characters.

clr value class


[Package stringr version 2.33.856.6961 Index]