WeightedFit {Microsoft.VisualBasic.Data.Bootstrapping} .NET clr documentation





# namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.Data.Bootstrapping
export class WeightedFit {
   # SEC: Std Error of coefficients
   CoefficientsStandardError: double;
   # RYSQ: Multiple correlation coefficient (R2,相关系数)
   CorrelationCoefficient: double;
   # Ycalc: Calculated values of Y.(根据所拟合的公式所计算出来的预测值)
   ErrorTest: IFitError[];
   # FReg: Fisher F statistic for regression
   FisherF: double;
   # 一元多项式的数据模型
   Polynomial: Formula;
   # DY: Residual values of Y
   Residuals: double;
   # SDV: Standard deviation of errors
   StandardDeviation: double;
   # V: Least squares and var/covar matrix
   VarianceMatrix: Double[,];


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. use by property member ErrorTest: IFitError
  2. use by property member Polynomial: Formula
  3. use by property member VarianceMatrix: Double

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]