netCDFReader {Microsoft.VisualBasic.DataStorage.netCDF} .NET clr documentation



The dotCDF file of a CDF contains magic numbers and numerous internal records are used to organize information about the contents Of the CDF (For both Single-file And multi-file CDFs).


# namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.DataStorage.netCDF
export class netCDFReader {
   # List of dimensions with:
   #   + `name`: String with the name of the dimension
   #   + `size`: Number with the size of the dimension
   dimensions: Dimension[];
   # List of global attributes with:
   #   + `name`: String with the name of the attribute
   #   + `type`: String with the type of the attribute
   #   + `value`: A number Or String With the value Of the attribute
   globalAttributes: attribute[];
   # Metadata for the record dimension
   #   + `length`: Number of elements in the record dimension
   #   + `id`: Id number In the list Of dimensions For the record dimension
   #   + `name`: String with the name of the record dimension
   #   + `recordStep`: Number with the record variables step size
   recordDimension: recordDimension;
   # List of variables with:
   #   + `name`: String with the name of the variable
   #   + `dimensions`: Array with the dimension IDs of the variable
   #   + `attributes`: Array with the attributes of the variable
   #   + `type`: String with the type of the variable
   #   + `size`: Number with the size of the variable
   #   + `offset`: Number with the offset where of the variable begins
   #   + `record`: True if Is a record variable, false otherwise
   variables: variable[];
   # Version for the NetCDF format
   version: string;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. use by property member dimensions: Dimension
  2. use by property member globalAttributes: attribute
  3. use by property member recordDimension: recordDimension
  4. use by property member variables: variable

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]