File {Microsoft.VisualBasic.MIME.Office.Excel.XLSX} | .NET clr documentation |
XLSX Transitional (Office Open XML), ISO 29500:2008-2016, ECMA-376, Editions 1-5
> *.xlsx
document file
Format Description Properties Explanation of format description terms
+ ID: fdd000398 + Short name: XLSX/ OOXML_2012 + Content categories: spreadsheet, office / business + Format Category: file-format + Other facets: text, structured, symbolic + Last significant FDD update: 2022-05-02 + Draft status: Full
The Open Office XML-based spreadsheet format using .xlsx as a file extension has been the default format produced for new documents by versions of Microsoft Excel since Excel 2007. The format was designed to be equivalent to the binary .xls format produced by earlier versions of Microsoft Excel (see MS-XLS). For convenience, this format description uses XLSX to identify the corresponding format. The primary content of a XLSX file is marked up in SpreadsheetML, which is specified in parts 1 and 4 of ISO/IEC 29500, Information technology -- Document description and processing languages -- Office Open XML File Formats (OOXML). This description focuses on the specification in ISO/IEC 29500:2012 and represents the format variant known as "Transitional." Although editions of ISO 29500 were published in 2008, 2011, 2012, and 2016, the specification has had very few changes other than clarifications and corrections to match actual usage in documents since SpreadsheetML was first standardized in ECMA-376, Part 1 in 2006. This description can be read as applying to all SpreadsheetML versions published by ECMA International and by ISO/IEC through 2016. See Notes below for more detail on the chronological versions and differences.
The XLSX format uses the SpreadsheetML markup language And schema To represent a spreadsheet "document." Conceptually, Using the terminology Of the Spreadsheet ML specification In ISO/IEC 29500-1, the document comprises one Or more worksheets In a workbook. A worksheet typically consists Of a rectangular grid Of cells. Each cell can contain a value Or a formula, which will be used To calculate a value, With a cached value usually stored pending the Next recalculation. A Single spreadsheet document may serve several purposes: as a container for data values; as program code (based on the formulas in cells) to perform analyses on those values; And as one Or more formatted reports (including charts) of the analyses. Beyond basics, spreadsheet applications have introduced support for more advanced features over time. These include mechanisms to extract data dynamically from external sources, to support collaborative work, And to perform an increasing number of functions that would have required a database application in the past, such as sorting And filtering of entries in a table to display a temporary subset. The markup specification must support both basic And more advanced functionalities in a structure that supports the robust performance expected by users.
# namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.MIME.Office.Excel.XLSX
export class File extends XlsxDirectoryPart {
_rels: _rels;
ContentTypes: ContentTypes;
docProps: docProps;
# the original file path the reference to this xlsx file
FilePath: string;
MimeType: ContentType[];
xl: xl;
: _relsContentTypes
: ContentTypesdocProps
: docPropsMimeType
: ContentTypexl
: xl