Metadata {Microsoft.VisualBasic.MIME.Office.Excel.XLSX.Writer} | .NET clr documentation |
Class representing the meta data of a workbook
# namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.MIME.Office.Excel.XLSX.Writer
export class Metadata {
# Gets or sets the application which created the workbook. Default is PicoXLSX
Application: string;
# Gets or sets the version of the creation application. Default is the library version of PicoXLSX. Use the format xxxxx.yyyyy (e.g. 1.0 or 55.9875) in case of a custom value.
ApplicationVersion: string;
# Gets or sets the category of the document. There are no predefined values or restrictions about the content of this field
Category: string;
# Gets or sets the company owning the document. This value is for organizational purpose. Add more than one manager by using the semicolon (;) between the words
Company: string;
# Gets or sets the status of the document. There are no predefined values or restrictions about the content of this field
ContentStatus: string;
# Gets or sets the creator of the workbook. Add more than one creator by using the semicolon (;) between the authors
Creator: string;
# Gets or sets the description of the document or comment about it
Description: string;
# Gets or sets the hyper-link base of the document.
HyperlinkBase: string;
# Gets or sets the keywords of the workbook. Separate particular keywords with semicolons (;)
Keywords: string;
# Gets or sets the responsible manager of the document. This value is for organizational purpose.
Manager: string;
# Gets or sets the subject of the workbook
Subject: string;
# Gets or sets the title of the workbook
Title: string;