Options {SMRUCC.Rsharp.Development.Configuration} .NET clr documentation



Data reader of ConfigFile. The operations in this module will modify the environment configuration of the R# scripting engine and it also controls some of the behaviour of the sciBASIC.NET framework.


# namespace SMRUCC.Rsharp.Development.Configuration
export class Options {
   # [digits]:
   #  controls the number of significant (see signif) digits to print when printing 
   #  numeric values. It is a suggestion only. Valid values are 1...22 with default 
   #  7. See the note in print.default about values greater than 15.
   digits: integer;
   # get default script environments
   environments: string;
   # [f64.format]: F or G
   f64Format: string;
   HTTPUserAgent: string;
   julia: string;
   # Package library repository file path.
   lib: string;
   # the folder path for save the installed R# zip packages
   lib_loc: string;
   # file path for save the config file
   localConfig: string;
   log4vb_redirect: boolean;
   # Max count number for print vector. integer, defaulting to 999. 
   #  print or show methods can make use of this option, to limit the 
   #  amount of information that is printed, to something in the 
   #  order of (and typically slightly less than) max.print entries.
   maxPrint: integer;
   memoryLoad: string;
   MimeType: ContentType[];
   nwarnings: integer;
   python: string;
   # 在R#环境之中调用命令行,输出的stdout字符串是使用多行数据返回还是整个文本返回
   stdout_multipline: boolean;
   # turn strict mode on?
   strict: boolean;
   typescript: string;
   # logical. Should R report extra information on progress? Set to TRUE by the command-line option --verbose
   verbose: boolean;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. use by property member MimeType: ContentType

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]