RTypeExportAttribute {SMRUCC.Rsharp.Runtime.Interop} .NET clr documentation



export data type to R# runtime environment

type information will be imports into current runtime context environment when do package module imports at function invoke @M:SMRUCC.Rsharp.Development.Package.ImportsPackage.ImportsStaticInternalImpl(SMRUCC.Rsharp.Runtime.Environment,System.Type,System.Boolean) the type export information usually be used for the .NET clr de-serilization operation, example as: 1. xml de-serialization: loadXml("...", typeof = "typeexportname")


# namespace SMRUCC.Rsharp.Runtime.Interop
export class RTypeExportAttribute extends RInteropAttribute {
   model: Type;
   # type name
   name: string;
   TypeId: any kind;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. this class extends from RInteropAttribute class: RInteropAttribute
  2. use by property member model: Type
  3. use by property member TypeId: any kind

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]