graph: Edge | The network graph object model | | VertexEdge: |
graph | create a new graph object with the given network edge data and the node properties |
V | get graph vertex collection |
E | get graph edge collection. |
xref | get node reference id list |
subgraphFromPoint | extract sub-network from a given network via a specific network node as centroid. |
metadata | create meta data for network tabular model. |
tabular_graph | |
gephi_gml | | | save the network graph | | load network graph object from a given file location | | Create a new network graph or clear the given network graph |
trim.edges | removes duplicated edges in the network |
connected_graph | removes all of the isolated nodes. |
node.names | set node data names |
degree | Calculate node degree in given graph | | compute network properties' data |
eval | evaluate node/edge property values |
delete | |
add.nodes | a nodes by given label list. |
add.node | |
mass | set or get mass value of the nodes in the given graph |
attrs | Set node attribute data |
add.edge | add edge link into the given network graph |
weight | set edge weight and get edge weights |
pushEdges | Add edges by a given node label tuple list |
getElementByID | get node elements by given id |
group | Make node groups by given type name |
class | get/set node class type |
vertex | get all nodes in the given graph model |
edges | get all edges in the given graph model |
has.edge | |
attributes | get or set element attribute values |
selects | Node select by group or other condition |
decompose | Decompose a graph into components, Creates a separate graph for each component of a graph. |
extract.sub_graph | extract sub graph component by a specific given node group tag data. |
components | get subnetwork components directly by test node disconnections |
louvain_cluster | |
MST | Find MST via Kruskal algorithm |