Worksheet {Microsoft.VisualBasic.MIME.Office.Excel.XLSX.Writer} .NET clr documentation



Class representing a worksheet of a workbook


# namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.MIME.Office.Excel.XLSX.Writer
export class Worksheet {
   # Gets the active Pane is splitting is applied.
   #  The value is nullable. If null, no splitting was defined
   ActivePane: Nullable`1;
   # Gets the active Style of the worksheet. If null, no style is defined as active
   ActiveStyle: Style;
   # Gets the range of the auto-filter. Wrapped to Nullable to provide null as value. If null, no auto-filter is applied
   AutoFilterRange: Nullable`1;
   # Gets the cells of the worksheet as dictionary with the cell address as key and the cell object as value
   Cells: list;
   # Gets all columns with non-standard properties, like auto filter applied or a special width as dictionary with the zero-based column index as key and the column object as value
   Columns: list;
   # Gets or sets the direction when using AddNextCell method
   CurrentCellDirection: CellDirection;
   # Gets or sets the default column width
   DefaultColumnWidth: double;
   # Gets or sets the default Row height
   DefaultRowHeight: double;
   # Gets the FreezeSplitPanes
   #  Gets whether split panes are frozen.
   #  The value is nullable. If null, no freezing is applied. This property also does not apply if Worksheet.PaneSplitAddress is null
   FreezeSplitPanes: Nullable`1;
   # Gets or sets whether the worksheet is hidden. If true, the worksheet is not listed as tab in the workbook's worksheet selection
   #  If the worksheet is not part of a workbook, or the only one in the workbook, an exception will be thrown.
   #  If the worksheet is the selected one, and attempted to set hidden, an exception will be thrown. Define another selected worksheet prior to this call, in this case.
   Hidden: boolean;
   # Gets the hidden rows as dictionary with the zero-based row number as key and a boolean as value. True indicates hidden, false visible.
   HiddenRows: list;
   # Gets the merged cells (only references) as dictionary with the cell address as key and the range object as value
   MergedCells: list;
   # Gets the split address for frozen panes or if pane split was defined in number of columns and / or rows. 
   #  For vertical splits, only the column component is considered. For horizontal splits, only the row component is considered.
   #  The value is nullable. If null, no frozen panes or split by columns / rows are applied to the worksheet. 
   #  However, splitting can still be applied, if the value is defined in characters.
   #  See also: Worksheet.PaneSplitLeftWidth and Worksheet.PaneSplitTopHeight for splitting in characters (without freezing)
   PaneSplitAddress: Nullable`1;
   # Gets the width of the left, vertical split pane, measured from the left of the window.
   #  The value is nullable. If null, no vertical split of the worksheet is applied
   #  The value is only applicable to split the worksheet into panes, but not to freeze them.
   #  See also: Worksheet.PaneSplitAddress
   PaneSplitLeftWidth: Nullable`1;
   # Gets the height of the upper, horizontal split pane, measured from the top of the window.
   #  The value is nullable. If null, no horizontal split of the worksheet is applied.
   #  The value is only applicable to split the worksheet into panes, but not to freeze them.
   #  See also: Worksheet.PaneSplitAddress
   PaneSplitTopHeight: Nullable`1;
   # Gets the Top Left cell address of the bottom right pane if applicable and splitting is applied.
   #  The column is only relevant for vertical split, whereas the row component is only relevant for a horizontal split.
   #  The value is nullable. If null, no splitting was defined.
   PaneSplitTopLeftCell: Nullable`1;
   # Gets defined row heights as dictionary with the zero-based row number as key and the height (float from 0 to 409.5) as value
   RowHeights: list;
   # Gets all ranges of selected cells of this worksheet. An empty list is returned if no cells are selected
   SelectedCellRanges: iterates(Range);
   # Returns either null (if no cells are selected), or the first defined range of selected cells
   SelectedCells: Nullable`1;
   # Gets or sets the internal ID of the worksheet
   SheetID: integer;
   # Gets or sets the name of the worksheet
   SheetName: string;
   # Gets the password used for sheet protection. See @M:Microsoft.VisualBasic.MIME.Office.Excel.XLSX.Writer.Worksheet.SetSheetProtectionPassword(System.String) to set the password
   SheetProtectionPassword: string;
   # gets the encrypted hash of the password, defined with Worksheet.SheetProtectionPassword. The value will be null, if no password is defined
   SheetProtectionPasswordHash: string;
   # Gets the list of SheetProtectionValues. These values define the allowed actions if the worksheet is protected
   SheetProtectionValues: iterates(SheetProtectionValue);
   # Gets or sets whether the worksheet is protected. If true, protection is enabled
   UseSheetProtection: boolean;
   # Gets or sets the Reference to the parent Workbook
   WorkbookReference: Workbook;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. use by property member ActivePane: Nullable`1
  2. use by property member ActiveStyle: Style
  3. use by property member AutoFilterRange: Nullable`1
  4. use by property member Cells: list
  5. use by property member Columns: list
  6. use by property member CurrentCellDirection: CellDirection
  7. use by property member FreezeSplitPanes: Nullable`1
  8. use by property member HiddenRows: list
  9. use by property member MergedCells: list
  10. use by property member PaneSplitAddress: Nullable`1
  11. use by property member PaneSplitLeftWidth: Nullable`1
  12. use by property member PaneSplitTopHeight: Nullable`1
  13. use by property member PaneSplitTopLeftCell: Nullable`1
  14. use by property member RowHeights: list
  15. use by property member SelectedCellRanges: iterates(Range)
  16. use by property member SelectedCells: Nullable`1
  17. use by property member SheetProtectionValues: iterates(SheetProtectionValue)
  18. use by property member WorkbookReference: Workbook

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]