SvmType {Microsoft.VisualBasic.MachineLearning.SVM} .NET clr documentation



Contains all of the types of SVM this library can model.


# namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.MachineLearning.SVM
export class SvmType extends Enum {
   # C-SVC.
   C_SVC: SvmType = 0;

   # nu-SVC.
   NU_SVC: SvmType = 1;

   # one-class SVM
   ONE_CLASS: SvmType = 2;

   # epsilon-SVR
   EPSILON_SVR: SvmType = 3;

   # nu-SVR
   NU_SVR: SvmType = 4;



.NET clr type reference tree

  1. this class extends from Enum class: Enum
  2. use by field member C_SVC: SvmType
  3. use by field member NU_SVC: SvmType
  4. use by field member ONE_CLASS: SvmType
  5. use by field member EPSILON_SVR: SvmType
  6. use by field member NU_SVR: SvmType

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]